Setting network and connection preferences
Testing your new account
When you have finished setting up a new e-mail account, the VersaMail
application displays the account’s Inbox. You can test whether the e-mail account
is set up and working properly by tapping Get Mail. See “Getting e-mail by subject
or getting the entire message” in Chapter 4 for more information.
Setting network and connection preferences
Although your Palm i705 handheld has a built-in wireless modem, you can also
send and receive e-mail using a PalmModem accessory (sold separately) that is
connected to a phone jack on the wall; using any sort of wireless sled, such as an
802.11 sled; using the IR (infrared) port on your handheld to connect with an IR
phone; using a physical cable to connect to a wireless phone; or using an expansion
card and a wireless phone both enabled with Bluetooth technology (both are sold
separately). If you want to send and receive e-mail using one of these methods, you
need to set network and connection preferences for your e-mail account to work
properly. After setting preferences, see “Creating a network e-mail account” earlier
in this chapter for information on setting up your e-mail account.
Setting network preferences
By default, your handheld uses the Palm™ Wireless connection for all network
activity, such as using the VersaMail application, surfing the web, and so on. If you
want to use the Palm Wireless connection for sending and receiving e-mail in the
VersaMail application, you do not need to set any network or connection
preferences on the handheld.
However, if you want to set up an e-mail account that uses a different (other than
Palm Wireless) network connection (see “Creating a network e-mail account”
earlier in this chapter), you must make a connection with a network service
provider—for example, an ISP or a wireless carrier. Each connection is categorized
on your handheld as a “service,” and each service contains all the appropriate
Disconnect on
Disconnects from the network connection only after you
leave the VersaMail application. This feature is an alternative
to AutoDisconnect. This option keeps your connection active
while you perform multiple transactions in the VersaMail
application, but automatically disconnects when you move
on to a different application on your handheld. If this option
is not selected, you must manually disconnect from your ISP.
Modem Wait
Displays the number of seconds that the modem uses to
initialize itself. If you have a wireless modem, tap and enter
a number of seconds for the wait. The typical setting for a
wireless modem is 3, and the typical setting for most normal
modems is 0.