Managing mail filters
5. Use the If the pick lists to create criteria for the filter.
The three pick lists and the edit line combine to create a statement that identifies
the type of e-mail and where you want the e-mail stored. For example, a filter
might read, “If the [Subject] [Contains] sales meeting, Then get mail and move
to [Sales].” When you use this filter to sort incoming e-mail, any e-mail
containing “sales meetings” in the subject line is filed in the Sales folder.
6. Tap OK.
The filter appears in the Filters list.
Selected filters execute in the order in which they appear on the list. Move filters
up and down the list to ensure that they execute in the correct order.
Filters created on the handheld apply also to mail synchronization.
See “Synchronizing an account” in Chapter 5 for more information.
To pick list
Select the message header field with the information
contained in the edit line: To, From, Subject, cc, Date, Size.
For example, you might select Date to download only
messages that are less than a certain number of days old.
Contains pick
Select a filter action: Contains, Starts with, Does NOT
Edit line
Enter the text that must be found in the header field. For
example, if you want to sort e-mail with the subject Sales,
enter “Sales.” If you enter more than one criteria, separate
each with a comma—for example, “Sales, New York.”
Then get mail
and move to
pick list
Select the folder or mailbox into which you want your
filtered e-mail to go. You can also create a new folder for
storing the incoming e-mail. Tap Edit Folders, and then
create a new folder or delete and rename existing ones.
Tap the icon and then
move the filter up or down
in the list