Operating Instructions
• Days that have images that match the criteria are displayed in boldface on
the calendar.
Change the month
Displays the month that contains the most recent images that match the criteria.
The day on which the most recent images were recorded in the
displayed month is selected.
• Clicking [Return to the default position] sets the search criteria to their default
values. To search all recorded images, click [Return to the default position]
and click [Search].
• When you change search criteria, [Return to the previous search criteria]
becomes available. To return the criteria to their previous values, click
[Return to the previous search criteria] and click [Search].
• If you change the month, images that match the criteria for the new month
are displayed.
3. On the calendar, click the day that has the images that you want to playback.
• The images that match the criteria for the selected day are displayed in the
image timelines chart for each camera.
• Blocks representing recorded images are displayed in the chart.
Click the day that has the images that you want to playback.
The images that match the criteria for the selected day are displayed
for each camera.