Operating Instructions
To change the color of the focus frame or the selection frame, click the setting
that you want to change and select the desired color from the [Color] window,
then click [OK].
Example: To change the color of focus frame.
Select the color.
Select the color and click [OK].
Specify the frame
Select the check box to update the images on the multi-
monitoring page with the specified interval as the maximum
frame rate.
[1 frame/1 second to 1 frame/10 seconds, 2 frames/1 second
to 5 frames/1 second, 10 frames/1 second to 30 frames/1
second (per 5 frames). Default is 2 frames/1 second]
Display text Select the check box to display the camera name and the frame
rate on the multi-monitoring page (see page 81).
You can also set the text color.
Adjust the
monitoring refresh
rate when the CPU
is highly loaded.
Select the check the box to pause the multi-monitoring page for
the specified number of seconds when the CPU usage reaches
the specified value.
[Pause time 1 second to 60 seconds, Default is 15 seconds.
CPU Load factor is 1 % to 100 %, Default is 80 %]
Setting Description