
4.2 System Programming
Incoming/Outgoing Call Selection for Printing
System Programming 4-123
Description Used to determine which calls will produce an SMDR printout.
Selection • Outgoing calls: On (all calls) / Off (no printing) / Toll (printing
toll calls only)
• Incoming calls: On (all calls) / Off (no printing)
Default Outgoing calls – On;
Incoming calls – On
Programming 1. Enter 802.
Display: Call Printing
2. Press NEXT to program outgoing calls.
Display: Outgoing:On
3. Keep pressing SELECT until the desired selection is
4. Press STORE.
5. Press NEXT to program incoming calls.
Display: Incoming:On
6. Keep pressing SELECT until the desired selection is
7. Press STORE.
8. Press END.
Conditions • A printer must be connected to the Serial Interface (RS-232C) port
provided on the system.
• When “Toll” is selected, only calls which are checked in programs
[302]–[305] “Toll Restriction — Class 2 – 5 Denied Codes” and are
allowed, are printed out.
Feature Reference Section 3, Features
Station Message Detail Recording (SMDR)