
4.2 System Programming
System Data Clear
System Programming 4-135
Description Clears the system data which have been programmed. The system
will re-start with the default settings.
Selection All Para / System Para / CO Para + outside (CO) line number:
1 – 6, ( = all outside (CO) lines) /
Ext Para + jack number: 01 – 24, ( = all jacks) /
DSS Para + DSS Console number: 1 or 2, ( = all DSS
Consoles) / Speed Dial
Programming 1. Enter 999.
Display: System Clear
2. Press NEXT.
Display: Menu:All Para
3. Keep pressing SELECT until the desired selection is
4. Press STORE.
5. If CO Para, Ext Para or DSS Para is selected, enter an
outside (CO) line, jack or DSS Console number.
6. Press STORE.
7. Press END.
Condition Please refer to program [804] for each parameter.
Feature Reference Section 3, Features
System Data Default Set