148 Installation Manual
In the Utility Command Mode, the System Administrator can access the functions described
below by entering the appropriate command at the "$" prompt, and Pressing RETURN.
To select the Utility Commands Menu, follow the menu path as shown:
System Administration Top Menu-3
Table 7-1
OFLN: Sets the system to off-line mode
ONLN: Sets the system to on-line mode
PASS: Sets the System Administrator’s password
TIME: Sets the system clock, date, and time
PSET: Specifies the time reports will be printed
ELOG: Displays device error log
SAVE: Stores a backup of the programme or data in the hard disk
LOAD: Restores a backup of the programme or data to the VPS
GPRN: Displays all of the VPS parameters
VERS: Displays the version of the programme
CREP: Displays the keypad assignments, message recording status and the
tree-structure of a Custom service
CCLR: Clears a Custom service menu access count
MWL: Specifies the number of times the VPS attempts to turn on the
message waiting lamp on the extensions
MRL: Sets the minimum recording length of a message
MPLT: Displays the user prompt recording status
HELP: Displays brief instructions and a list of Utility Commands
QSET: Perform a basic setup of your VPS so that you can use it quickly
LMON: Line Monitor
PUTD: Displays Touchtone Information
WCID: Wait for Caller ID
Utility Command (Type 'HELP' for command list.)