Chapter 5 Internet Fax
Enter a station name, and then select
zEnter a station name up to 15 characters.
zFor instructions on using the onscreen
keyboard, refer to Before Starting in the
Operating Instructions (For Function
Parameters) on the provided CD-ROM.
Enter a Key Name, and then select
zKey Names are displayed on the touch-
panel display to select destinations.
zFor instructions on using the onscreen
keyboard, refer to Before Starting in the
Operating Instructions (For Function
Parameters) on the provided CD-ROM.
Select whether to add a station to
Select a relay station or enter the
Email address of a relay station, and
then select “OK”.
zThis screen appears when “140 LAN RLY
XMT Request” has been set to “Valid” in
Function Parameters (Fax/Email Settings>
Fax Parameters).
zOnly one destination can be programmed as
a relay station.
zPress Reset key to return the machine to
the initial screen of the current active mode.
Before you select a relay station, you must
pre-program an Email address with Relay
XMT Password as the user name. As follows;
“Relay XMT Password “@” the host and
domain names registered with the DNS
Ex: sg-rly@singapore.panasonic.co.sg
Select to show the
station in “Favorites”.
Select not to show the
station in “Favorites”.