Chapter 6 Handling Communication Reservation Files
Reading the Reservation Report
Items covered in the reservation report are as follows:
No. Item Explanation
(1) File Number If the file is now being executed, an “*” is indicated on the left of the
file number.
(2) Communication Type Communication type (for example, polled transmission, polling
reception and memory transmission).
(3) Created date/time Date/time that these files were stored.
(4) Start time If the file is a Timer Controlled Communication, the start time is
printed in this column. If the file is an incomplete file, “Incomp” is
printed in this column.
(5) Page(s) The number of stored page(s).
(6) Destination Key name(s)/ Manual dialing location(s).
*************** -File List- *********************** Date MMM-dd-yyyy ***** Time 09:11 ********
File Comm. Type Created Time Start Time Pages Destination(s)
020 Mem. Def. XMT MMM-dd 19:54 10:50 001 [pana03 ]
021 Mem. Def. XMT MMM-dd 19:56 10:30 001 [pana01 ] [pana03 ]
*038 Memory XMT MMM-dd 09:02 005 [pana_Lanrelay ]
***** DP-xxxx ********************** - HEAD OFFICE - ***** - 201 555 1212 - **************
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)