
Slide 75Slide 75
SU and SD Boards Isolation Procedure
This procedure is useful when troubleshooting 7 blinks problems.
If the power LED continues to blink even after the TV is unplugged, press and hold the power switch
on the TV for a few seconds until the LED turns off.
Remove the 4 VF_GND screws on the SU and SD boards.
Unplug connectors SC41, SC46, and SC42 on the SC board.
Place the SC jig cable (TZSC09187) between pins 1 and 2 of connector SC50 on the SC board.
Note: If the SC jig is not available, install a jumper between pins 1 and 2 of connector SC50 on the SC
board. (Remove the jig or the jumper after completing the isolation procedure). When this is done, the
display is completely black (No picture)
To isolate the SM board is not necessary to remove any boards:
The SC test fixture (Jig) can be used when the
SM board is isolated. The jig is a small connector
with a jumper between pin 1 and pin 2. The part
number is TZSC09187.
It plugs into connector SC50 on the SC board.