Configuration Options
March 1999
General Configuration Options
Table C-6. General Configuration Options (1 of 2)
Generate Yellow Alarm Signals: Enable
Enable Disable
Determines whether the DSU/CSU generates Yellow Alarm signals on the network and
DTE Drop/Insert (DSX-1) interfaces.
NOTE: This configuration option is not available if the DTE Drop/Insert (DSX-1)
Interface is disabled. If the DTE Drop/Insert (DSX-1) interface is disabled,
the DSU/CSU always generates the Yellow Alarm signal on the network
Enable – Generates the Yellow Alarm signal for both the network and DTE Drop/Insert
(DSX-1) interfaces.
Disable – Disables the Yellow Alarm signal. When this configuration option is disabled,
Yellow Alarm conditions on the network interface cause an AIS signal to be transmitted
on the DTE Drop/Insert (DSX-1) interface.
NOTE: When this configuration option is disabled, the DTE equipment connected
to the DTE Drop/Insert (DSX-1) interface is responsible for generation of
the Yellow Alarm signal on the network interface. In this case, the interface
port marked DTE must only be connected to an FCC Part 68 Registered
(for USA) and Canadian DOC Certified (for Canada) Digital Service Unit or
System, such as PBX, with a DTE Drop/Insert (DSX-1) interface. Failure to
do so is a violation of FCC Rules or DOC Regulations.
Self Test: Enable
Enable Disable
Specifies whether the DSU/CSU performs a device self-test at power-up and after a
device reset.
Enable – Enables a self-test.
Disable – Disables the self-test.
Test Timeout: Enable
Enable Disable
Specifies whether user-initiated loopback and pattern tests have durations that are
specified by the Test Duration configuration option.
Enable – Loopback and pattern tests initiated on the DSU/CSU have specified
Disable – Disables test timeout. The tests are terminated manually.
NOTE: For DSU/CSUs that are remotely managed through an inband data stream
such as EDL or FDL, the recommended setting is Enable. If tests are
inadvertently left in the active state, the Enable setting will allow the test to
timeout (terminate) after a specified time.
Test Duration: 10
1 to 120 minutes
Specifies the duration (1 to 120 minutes) of user-initiated loopback and pattern tests.
(The Test Timeout configuration option must be set to Enable.)