Monitoring and Testing
March 1999
Sending Port QRSS or Port 511 Test Patterns
To send a Port QRSS or Port 511 test pattern:
1. From the Main Menu screen, select Test.
2. From the Test screen, select Sync Data Port Tests.
3. In the Port field (near the top of the screen), enter either 1 or 2 depending on
the synchronous data port that you want to test.
4. In the Send field (under Pattern Tests), enter either QRSS or 511 depending
on the type of test pattern that you want to send.
5. For the Send command (under Pattern Tests), select Start.
Monitoring Network QRSS Test Patterns
To monitor a Network QRSS test pattern:
1. From the Main Menu screen, select Test.
2. From the Test screen, select Network & DTE Tests.
3. For the Monitor QRSS command (under Pattern Tests), select Start.
Monitoring Port QRSS or Port 511 Test Patterns
To monitor a Port QRSS or Port 511 test pattern:
1. From the Main Menu screen, select Test.
2. From the Test screen, select Sync Data Port Tests.
3. In the Port field (near the top of the screen), enter either 1 or 2 depending on
the synchronous data port that you want to test.
4. In the Monitor field (under Pattern Tests), enter either QRSS or 511
depending on the type of test pattern that you want to monitor.
5. For the Monitor command (under Pattern Tests), select Start.