Configuration Options
3166-A2-GB20-10November 1998
Table C-3. General Configuration Options (2 of 2)
TstDuration: 10
Next Up Down Save Prev
Test Duration. Specifies the duration (1 to 120 minutes) of user-initiated loopback and
pattern tests. (The Tst Timeout configuration option must be set to Enab.) Use the left or
right arrow key to position the cursor on the digit you want to change. Use the Function
keys (Up or Down) to increment or decrement the digit.
Up – Increments the test duration.
Down – Decrements the test duration.
Save – Stores the test duration.
User Interface Configuration Options
Table C-4. User Interface Configuration Options (1 of 6)
Self-Test: Enab
Next Enab Disab Prev
Initial Self-Test. Specifies whether the DSU/CSU performs a device self-test at power-up
and after a device reset.
Enab – Enables a self-test.
Disab – Disables the self-test.
Dial-In: Enab
Next Enab Disab Prev
Dial-in Access. Allows dial-in access to the DSU/CSU. For standalone DSU/CSUs,
dial-in access is through the modem port. For carrier-mounted DSU/CSUs, dial-in
access is through an external device that is connected to the communication port.
Enab – Allows dial-in access to the DSU/CSU.
Disab – Prevents dial-in access. Incoming calls to the DSU/CSU are not answered.
NOTE: To enable Dial-In for carrier-mounted DSU/CSUs, the external device must
be configured for automatic answer and the ComExtDev configuration
option must be enabled.
Password: None
Next None Com Prev
Password Mode. Activates a password prompt that prevents access until a password is
None – Does not require a password.
Com – Prompts the communications port user to enter a password.
Com Port: Disab
Next Enab Disab Prev
Communication Port. Enables the use of the communication port.
Enab – This communication port is enabled.
Disab – The communication port is disabled.