SNMP MIB Objects
November 1998
Generic Interface Test Table – “ifExtnsTestCode” Object
(ifExtnsTestEntry 6)
This object contains a code that contains more specific information on the test
result. This object is defined as an object identifier. Only the following values are
supported by the DSU/CSU.
H none – No further information is available. Used for the send pattern/code
and loopback tests.
H inSyncNoBitErrors – A monitor pattern (QRSS or 511) test has synchronized
on the pattern and has not detected any bit errors.
H inSyncWithBitErrors – A monitor pattern (QRSS or 511) test has
synchronized on the pattern and has detected bit errors.
H notInSync – A monitor pattern (QRSS or 511) test has not synchronized on
the requested pattern.
Where these object identifiers are defined as follows:
H wellKnownCodes – OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= [ifExtensions 5]
H none – OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= [wellKnownCodes 1]
H inSyncNoBitErrors – OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= [wellKnownCodes 2]
H inSyncWithBitErrors – OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= [wellKnownCodes 3]
H notInSync – OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= [wellKnownCodes 4]
Enterprise MIB
The variable devConfigAreaCopy under the devConfigAreaCopy group in the
common area of the Enterprise MIB is fully supported. This variable allows the
entire contents of one configuration area to be copied into another configuration