Status Indicators and Control Panel Messages
C-73550-A2-GB20-20 December 1996
Table C-5
Subnetwork Health and Status Messages
Devic TDM/Flex only: Device Failure. One of the following major alarms is in effect:
Configuration Corrupt
Device Test Failure
MUX Device Failure
DialBU Dial BackUp mode. Indicates that the DBM is active.
DialCN Dial Connect. Indicates that the DBM is in Standby mode.
DialTn Dial Tone Test failure.
Disab Indicates that the DSU, DBM, or Port
is disabled.
DTR DTE alarm. Data Terminal Ready lead is Off.
ExtLd External lead alarm a or b.
Facil DDS facility alarm. Indicates a network facility alarm.
MUX Indicates a MUX (TDM/Flex) failure.
NoResp The active poll list member did not respond. Probable cause: a facility problem, a
remote DSU problem, or an incorrect poll list.
Normal Active poll list member does not report an alarm or its status.
RPower Redundant power supply alarm.
Stndby DBM is in Dial Standby.
Stream Streaming terminal.
SubSpd Subnormal operating speed.
Test Test mode. It could be a DSU, DBM, or Port test.
Thresh Threshold is exceeded.
TribTm Multipoint tributary time-out.
Multipoint tributary is not answering polls.
Trunc Subtree truncation.
More information is being received than can be returned in the poll.
You must access each tributary for its messages.