Glossary-13550-A2-GB20-20 December 1996
active core The core that is transmitting data. For example, the DBM is the active core when
the unit is in Backup mode.
Advanced Diagnostic protocol
The network management protocol used by the COMSPHERE 6700 Series NMS. It
provides diagnostic communication for the network.
auto backup A function of the dial backup module (DBM), an external dial backup unit (DBU),
or a carrier-mounted dial backup unit. With automatic backup, the DSU
automatically activates the DBM to reestablish a line when a facility alarm is
detected from the DDS network.
auto restoral A function of the DBM or external DBU, whereby the DSU automatically returns
to the DDS network when service is restored over the private line. On
point-to-point circuits, the DSU test the integrity of the DDS network before
switching data back to the private line.
See auto backup.
Bilateral Loopback A combination of the DTE and Digital Loopbacks operating simultaneously in the
same DSU. This test is selected from the General configuration option set
(Bilat Lpbk: Enab).
Bit Err
or Rate T
A test used to analyze the network circuit. Both the control and tributary DSUs
must be connected to the network. The originating DSU sends a 511-bit test pattern,
transmitting over the DDS network for a DSU; over the dial network for a DBM.
broadcast A method of transmission. The simultaneous transmission to two or more
communicating devices.
buffer A device for temporary storage of data.
callback directory pointer The directory entry in an originating DBM consists of the answering DBM’s
telephone number, a delimiting character, and a callback pointer. The pointer
identifies the originating DBM’
s telephone number in the answering DBM’
Backup Directory.
carrier The device for mounting circuit cards that contains 17 slots: 1 control slot for an
SDU and 16 slots for data communications devices like DSUs and modems.
carrier-mounted A Model 3551 DSU that is designed for installation in a COMSPHERE 3000 Series
Carrier used at central-site operations.