COMSPHERE 3900 Series Modems
5-16 November 1996 3910-A2-GN32-30
Table 5-4
(2 of 13)
391x Series S-Registers
S5 Backspace Character. Register determines ASCII value used as the
backspace (Backspace key). This character moves the cursor to the
left and erases the previous character.
Enter a value from 0–127. The factory setting is 8 (backspace key).
DTE Dialer
S6 Blind Dial Pause
. Register determines how long (in seconds) the
modem waits after going off-hook before dialing a telephone number if
using result code X0, X1, or X3.
Enter a value from 2–255 seconds. The factory setting is 2.
Line Dialer
S7 No Answer Time-out
. Register determines how long (in seconds) an
originating modem waits before abandoning a call when no answer
tone is received.
Enter a value from 1–255 seconds. The factory setting is 45.
Line Dialer
S8 “,” Pause Time for the Dial Modifier. Register determines how long (in
seconds) the modem pauses when it encounters a comma (,) in the
Dial command string.
Enter a value from 0–255 seconds. The factory setting is 2.
Line Dialer
S10 No Carrier Disconnect
Register determines how long (in tenths of
seconds) the modem allows the carrier signal to be OFF before
disconnecting the call.
Enter a value from 0–254 in 0.1 second increments. A value of 255
disables this register. The factory setting is 20 (2 seconds).
Line Dialer
S12 Escape Guard Time. Register sets the value (in 20-millisecond
increments) for the required pause before and after the escape
sequence is issued. The guard time prevents the modem from
interpreting data as the escape sequence characters.
Enter a value from 0–255 in 20-millisecond increments. The factory
setting of 50 equals 1000 milliseconds or one second.
DTE Dialer
S18 Test Time-out. Register sets the duration (in seconds) for the modem
tests. This automatically cancels any test in progress after the time of
this register expires. Any test can be manually canceled by issuing the
escape sequence (+++) followed by the &T0 command.
Enter a value from 0–255 seconds. A value of 0 disables this register.
The factory setting is Disable (0).
S26 RTS-to-CTS Delay. Register sets the length of time (in 10-millisecond
increments) the modem waits after receiving RTS before issuing CTS
to the DTE.
Enter a value from 0–255. The factory setting is 0.
DTE Interface
The range of allowable values may be restricted in some countries.