GL-13910-A2-GN32-30 November 1996
Active (Operating) A configuration area containing configuration options currently in
use by the modem. Anytime a power cycle occurs or a reset is
performed or a save is issued using the DCP
, this area is updated
with the contents of Active (Saved).
Active (Saved) A nonvolatile configuration area containing the most recently
saved configuration options.
Advanced Diagnostic protocol. An enhanced diagnostic
communication protocol used with the 6800 Series NMS and with
certain DCP diagnostic functions.
analog loop See local analog loop.
analog signal
A signal, such as a voice, that varies continuously
Answer mode
The modem is in a state where it is ready to receive an incoming
ASCII This code (American Standard Code for Information Interchange)
is a 7-bit code which establishes compatibility between data
services. ASCII is the standard for data transmission over
telephone lines. The ASCII code consists of 32 control characters
(nondisplayed) and 96 displayed characters. Refer to Appendix E.
A data transmission that is synchronized by a transmission start bit
at the beginning of a character (five to eight bits) and one or more
stop bits at the end.
AT command set A group of commands, issued from an asynchronous DTE, that
allow control of the modem while in Command mode. All
commands must begin with the characters A
T and end with a
carriage return.
T pr
efix A prefix issued before every AT command (except A/ and +++)
which identifies the DTE’s data rate, parity, and character length.
autobaud The modem automatically determines the asynchronous DTE data
rate when using A
T commands.
automatic answer A capability to respond to a call received over a dial line.