COMSPHERE 392xPlus Modems
4-28 November 1996 3920-A2-GN31-30
Misc — Multiport l
The Miscellaneous configuration options determine specifics for various functions, including
network management parameters and remote modem access.
able 4-6 shows each Misc (Miscellaneous) configuration option as it appears on the LCD, with
the Sync Leased factory default setting (the default value if the modem is just being installed)
shown following the colon ( : ) on the first line and with all available selections listed on the
second line. Following this is a description of the configuration option. Factory default settings are
listed in Appendix F.
Table 4-6
(1 of 3)
Miscellaneous Configuration Options — Multiport Mode l
StrapsWhenDisc: No_Change
Nxt No_Change Reload
Straps When Disconnected. Determines whether or not configuration options in the Active (Saved) configuration area
are reloaded to Active (Operating) when a disconnect occurs. This is appropriate in Async Dial Mode only.
No Change – Configuration options do not change if a disconnect occurs.
Reload – The Active (Operating) configuration area, which controls modem operation, is reloaded from the Active
(Saved) configuration area when a disconnect occurs. This is useful in modem pooling applications where it is desirable
to start the modem from a known condition after every call.
Speaker Control: OnUntilCarr
Nxt OnUntilCarr Off On
Speaker Control. Determines if the speaker is OFF, ON until carrier signal is received by the modem, or ON all the time.
NOTE: Speaker Control can also be temporarily set using the Control branch; however, a reset or power cycle will
restore the modem to the Speaker Control and Speaker Volume configuration option settings.
Speaker Volume: Medium
Nxt Medium Low High
Speaker Volume. Controls the level of speaker volume.
NOTE: Speaker Volume can also be temporarily set using the Control branch; however, a reset or power cycle will
restore the modem to the Speaker Control and Speaker Volume configuration option settings.
Access frm Remt: Enable
Nxt Enable Disable
Access from Remote. Determines if your modem’s DCP can be accessed by a remote modem via the VF line.
CAUTION: If this configuration option is disabled, the modem cannot be accessed by another modem.
Enable – Allows access from a remote modem.
Disable – Does not allow access from a remote modem.
NOTE: The remote modem must be a 392x
modem or a 391x Series modem.
RemAccssPasswrd: 00000000
Nxt "
Remote Access Password. Allows the entry of a password for establishing control of a remote modem from the DCP of
a local modem. The same password must be used in both the local and remote modem.
CAUTION: A remote access password should be selected for security purposes.
NOTE: If the Access from Remote configuration option is set to Disable, the password has no effect.