COMSPHERE 392xPlus Modems
5-6 November 1996 3920-A2-GN31-30
Table 5-2
(1 of 9)
AT Commands
A/ Repeat Last Command. Reexecutes last command string. (Not to be preceded
with AT or followed by pressing the Return key.)
Call Setup\
A Answer Mode. Goes off-hook and attempts to establish a connection without
waiting for a ring.
Dial. Begins the dialing sequence. The dial string
(modifiers and telephone
number) is entered after the D command.
Any digit 0–9, *, or # may be dialed as a DTMF tone. Only the digits 0–9 can be
dialed in Pulse Dial mode. The following example shows how to dial through a
PBX. The dial string consists of the command string and the telephone number:
Modifiers include the following parameters:
T — Tone (DTMF) dial. Any digit 0–9, *, or # can be dialed as tone.
P — Pulse dial. Only digits 0–9 can be dialed in Pulse Dial mode.
NOTE: Once a dialing method (tone or pulse) has been specified, it will only
remain active until the end of that dial string. The modem defaults to the
value set by the Dialer Type configuration option.
, — Pause. Causes the modem to pause before processing the next
character in the dial string. The length of this pause is determined
by the setting of the Pause Time configuration option (refer to the
Line Dialer configuration option group) or by value held in
S-Register S8.
W — Wait for dial tone. The modem waits for a second dial tone before
processing the dial string. This can be the initial dial tone or can
be used when dialing through a tandem PBX. For example,
9W 555-6789.
R — Reverse Dial mode. Causes the originating modem to send out
an answertone once it no longer detects ringback. (Ringback is
the ring you hear at the originating site when making a call.) The
R parameter must be the last character in the dial string. For
correct operation, at least one ringback must be detected;
therefore, the remote modem should be configured to answer on
the second ring or subsequent rings.
@ — Quiet answer. Wait for five seconds of silence after dialing the
number. If the silence is not detected, the modem sends either a
NO ANSWER result to the DTE.
! — Hook flash. This causes the modem to go on-hook for
0.5 seconds then return to off-hook.
; — Return to Command mode. Modem returns to Command mode
after dialing a number without disconnecting the call.
Space — Ignored by the dial string, can be included to enhance readability.
— Ignored by the dial string, can be included to enhance readability.
+ — Ignored by the dial string, can be included to enhance readability.
( ) — Ignored by the dial string, can be included to enhance readability.