5. Configuration Using the NMS
4929-A2-GN20-00 March 2005
Global VLAN Rules
To configure VLAN rules:
1. Click on the Global VLAN Rules tab. The Global VLAN Rules screen appears.
2. In the Add Ports drop-down list, select All or a group of ports. To select
multiple ports, hold the Ctrl key while clicking on your selections.
3. Select or enter the following parameters:
Parameter Description
Reset the VLAN rules to
default parameters
Click in this box to reset VLAN rules when the Submit
button is clicked on.
Global Configuration VLAN
Specify Add, Delete, or No Set to add a rule, delete a
rule, or perform no action when the Submit button is
clicked on.
Activate Specify whether the rule you are adding is active.
Allow Tag/Untag on Ingress
Specify tag or untag. Tag indicates that ingress
packets already matched to the VLAN Rule must have
a VLAN tag to be further considered; packets without
a VLAN tag will be dropped. Untag indicates that
ingress packets already matched to the VLAN Rule
cannot have a VLAN tag to be further considered;
packets with a VLAN tag will be dropped.