5. Configuration Using the NMS
4929-A2-GN20-00 March 2005
SNR Advanced Configuration
SNR settings may greatly affect ADSL performance. Do not change SNR settings
unless so advised by your service provider.
To configure SNR settings:
1. Click on the Advanced Config tab. The Configuration SNR settings screen
2. Select or enter the following parameters:
Parameter Description
Port Select a port from the drop-down list.
SNR (dB) Setting Specify the upstream and downstream Signal to Noise
Ratio settings for the selected ports.
Reed Solomon Error
Correction Settings: Delay
Specify the upstream and downstream Reed-Solomon
Reed Solomon Error
Correction Settings:
Specify the upstream and downstream Reed-Solomon
EC/FDM Specify the upstream and downstream Echo
Cancellation or Frequency Division Multiplexing mode.
Fast Buffer Setting Specify the buffer setting: Fast or Interleave.