Hotwire Menus and Screens
May 1998
On the chassis display, the following information is shown.
Display Description
<slot number> Slt. M = MCC card; 1–18 = slot number for a
DSL card
<card type> Mdl#. First four digits of the card model
number. RADSL = 8510, MVL card = 8310
1 T (Test mode) Card currently in test mode
2 M (Major alarm) Major alarm present on card
3 R (Minor alarm) Minor alarm present on card
4 e (Ethernet) Status of Ethernet link (U=UP, D=Down, or
5 d1 (DSL)* Status of DSL card Port 1 (U=UP, D=Down,
X=Disabled, or H=Handshaking)
6 d2 (DSL)* Status of DSL card Port 2 (U=UP, D=Down,
X=Disabled, or H=Handshaking)
7 d3 (DSL)* Status of DSL card Port 3 (U=UP, D=Down,
X=Disabled, or H=Handshaking)
8 d4 (DSL)* Status of DSL card Port 4 (U=UP, D=Down,
X=Disabled, or H=Handshaking)
9 w1 (WAN)* Status of WAN link Port 1 (U=Up, D=Down,
– w2 (WAN)* Status of WAN link Port 2 (U=Up, D=Down,
– w3 (WAN)* Status of WAN link Port 3 (U=Up, D=Down,
– w4 (WAN)* Status of WAN link Port 4 (U=Up, D=Down,
*Not used for MCC cards.
If an alarm, test condition, or other status is not active, an underscore is
shown in its place.
Also on this screen, there is a prompt used to select a specific card in the DSLAM
chassis. When a DSL slot number is entered, you are connected to the card you
For more information about the status displayed on this screen, such as major
and minor alarms, see
in Chapter 7,
Diagnostics and