Diagnostics and Troubleshooting
May 1998
Network Problems
Review the following symptoms and possible solutions to help in solving any
problems you may encounter on the Hotwire DSLAM.
PROBLEM: Intranetworking communication problems.
ACTION: 1. Verify that the internetworking network cables meet IEEE
standards for local Ethernet networks.
2. Check cable connections to DSLAM and other devices in
the network.
3. Determine whether or not your system is the only one in the
network with a problem.
Slow Performance
PROBLEM: Performance is slow.
ACTION: 1. Check the Ethernet Statistics screen for excessive Cycle
Redundancy Check (CRC) errors, a bad connection, or a
bad cable (see
DSL Monitoring Physical Layer Screens
Chapter 6,
Monitoring the Hotwire DSLAM
Excessive Collisions
PROBLEM: Excessive collisions on an Ethernet port.
ACTION: 1. Determine if your network is too large or long (single
Ethernet cable or end-to-end cable).
2. Check to see if there are too many repeaters.
3. Check to see if there are too many users on a single