April 2000
About the Hotwire 8747, 8777, and
8779 Termination Units
M/SDSL and HDSL2 Overview
Hotwirer Multirate Symmetric Digital Subscriber Line (M/SDSL) products
maximize customer service areas by varying the DSL line rate. This ensures
symmetric DSL connectivity over a wide range of telephone line distances and
transmission line qualities. Hotwire M/SDSL products transmit data over
14,000 feet (4.6 km) at rates up to 2.048 Mbps.
Hotwire High-bit-rate DSL second generation (HDSL2) products transmit data up
to 12,000 feet (3.9 km) at up to 1.544 Mbps.
Hotwire products support autorate. Units first synchronize to the highest line rate
that the 2-wire loop supports, and then automatically configure to the highest
multiple of 64 kbps supported by that line rate. Eight line rates are available. At all
rates, a 16 kbps management channel is available, which enables functions such
as firmware downloads to remote units. Units can also be configured manually to
full or fractional T1 or E1 rates.