8700-A2-GB20-00 April 2000
aborting, 8-10
DTE Loopback, 8-6
LED, 7-19
menu, 8-2
Network Line Loopback, 8-4
procedures, 8-1
Remote Send Line Loopback, 8-7
Repeater Loopback, 8-5
Send and Monitor 511, 8-8
status messages, 7-7
Telco-initiated, 8-11, A-12
terminating, 8-10
Test Duration, A-11
Test Timeout, A-11
Time Slot 16, A-9
time slots, relative to payload rate, A-5
Telnet session inactivity, A-24
Test, A-11
DSX-1 clock source, A-7
examples, A-14
G.703 clock source, A-9
System Clock configuration options, A-13
system clock references, A-16
Transmit Attenuation, A-4
traps, SNMP, B-1, B-2
troubleshooting, 7-21
DSX-1 performance statistics, 7-13
error statistics, 7-10
G.703 performance statistics, 7-15
Health and Status messages, 7-3
performance statistics, 7-11
TSI CPLD Fail, self-test result, 7-7
TSI Fail, self-test result, 7-7
UNIX, TFTP server on, 9-3
upload configuration, 9-3
user interface
access, 3-7
async terminal, 2-1
how to access, 2-1
virtual function keys, 2-7
voice/data, time slot assignment, A-22
warmStart, B-2
weight of card, D-1
worksheets, E-1