9123-A2-GB20-10 July 2000
Lamp Test, 5-17, 6-30
last reset, 5-13
latency, 1-7
Leased Line, mode, 3-9
LEDs, 6-2, 6-11
and control leads, displaying, 5-3
descriptions, 5-4
network interface, 5-5
asynchronous terminal access, 4-2
FTP access, 4-6
SNMP access, 4-8
through IP addresses, 4-10
Telnet access, 4-5
Build Out (LBO), 3-23
Coding Format, 3-23
Framing Format, 3-23
Loopback, 6-21
Destination, 3-41
frame relay statistics, 5-32
Source, 3-40
Traps, 3-56
Traps Interfaces, 3-56
troubleshooting management, 6-5
TS Management, 3-44
linkUp and linkDown
events, 3-56
traps, B-8
LLB, 6-21, 6-24
and PVC availability, 1-7
Behavior, 3-17
Clearing Event (N3), 3-18, 3-35
configuring frame relay and, 3-17
Down, 5-15, 6-8, 6-9
Error Event (N2), 3-18, 3-35
frame relay statistics, 5-33
Heartbeat (T1), 3-19, 3-35
Inbound Heartbeat (T2), 3-19, 3-36
N4 Measurement Period (T3), 3-19, 3-36
OK control lead, 5-6
packet utility, 6-5
Parameters, 3-35
pass-through, 3-17
Protocol, 3-34
Status Enquiry (N1), 3-18, 3-35
uploading packet capture data, 5-44
local, external DTE loopback, 3-28
locked out, 4-3, 4-11, 6-4
LOF, LED, 5-5
logging in, 2-2
logging out, 2-3
Login, 4-1
creating, 4-11
ID, 4-11
modifying and deleting, 4-12
Required, 3-50, 3-60, 4-3, 4-5, 4-6
Data Channel, 6-25
DTE, 6-27
FT1, 6-25
Line, 6-21
Payload, 6-22
Port (DTE) Initiated, 3-28
PVC, 6-18
Remote, 6-24
Repeater, 6-23
V.54, 6-25
at Network, 5-15, 6-9
LED, 5-4, 5-5
linkDown trap, B-9
Loss of Signal, linkDown trap, B-9
MAC address, 5-2
Main Menu, screen/branch, 2-4
making input selections, 2-9
and Communication, options, 3-42
General SNMP, options, 3-49
OpenLane system, 1-8
PVCs, 3-46
total number dedicated, 1-5
SNMP, 3-49
troubleshooting link, 3-42, 6-5
branches, 2-4
Configuration, 3-3
main, 2-4
path, 2-5
selecting from, 2-8
Menus, A-1