July 2000
If 1MPort (the default) is not the setting required for your application, change
the Frame Relay Discovery Mode before connecting the network cable or
editing discovered option settings. Otherwise, the FrameSaver unit will start
“discovering” DLCIs as soon as it powers up.
To recover from this problem and when some DLCIs or PVC Connections
have been configured manually, edit a selected “discovered” DLCI or PVC
connection manually. If only a local management PVC between the router
and the FrameSaver unit has been configured, select the desired Frame
Relay Discovery Mode and S
ave the change.
The default discovery mode is 1MPort (management DLCIs multiplexed with data
DLCIs on Port-1). In this mode, for each DLCI discovered on the network, the unit
creates a multiplexed network interface DLCI (which contains two EDLCIs – one
for Port-1 data and the other for management), a standard Port-1 DLCI (with the
same number as the network interface DLCI), and a Management PVC, then
cross-connects them. When LMI is active on the network interface and PVC
status information (with provisioned DLCI numbers) is next received from the
network, the unit automatically saves the settings to the Current Configuration
Configuration options set by selecting a discovery mode can be manually
modified, refined, or deleted at any time using the Configuration menus.
No previously discovered and configured DLCIs or cross-connections will be
removed unless authorized or Automatic Circuit Removal is enabled (see
Automatically Removing a Circuit
). Additional discovered DLCIs will be configured
according to the current Frame Relay Discovery Mode setting. Selecting or
changing the setting will not affect IP Addresses or Subnet Masks.
When auto-configuration creates a multiplexed DLCI, but a standard DLCI is
needed, change the DLCI to standard from the network DLCI Records
DLCI Records