April 1998
Automatic Dialing Out When an Alarm Occurs
You can control whether generated alarm messages will initiate a call if a
connection on the COM port external device has not already been established.
To dial out when an alarm occurs you must:
H Connect the modem to the COM port using the appropriate cable.
H Select the ASCII alarms to receive for each interface.
H Configure the phone directory to use for Dial Out Alarms.
H Enable Alarm & Trap Dial Out.
H Enable Call Retry, if desired.
" Procedure
To enable the desired ASCII alarms for each interface:
1. Follow this menu selection sequence to display the Load Configuration From
Main Menu
2. Select the desired configuration area and press Return. The Configuration
Edit/Display screen appears.
3. Select the ASCII alarms to enable for the interface.
To enable . . .
Set the configuration option(s) . . .
T1 alarms
Configuration → Network
DSX-1 alarms
Configuration → DSX-1
Sync Data Ports alarms
Configuration → Sync Data Ports
OCU-DP Ports alarms
Configuration → OCU-DP Ports
4. Configure the phone directory to use for dialing out alarms (see
Directory Numbers
Changing Directory Numbers
in Chapter 8,
and Maintenance)
5. Select Alarm from the Configuration Edit/Display menu and press Return.
The Alarms Options screen appears.
To . . .
Set the configuration option . . .
Automatically initiate a call (dial out) Alarm & Trap Dial-Out to Enable.
Retry the call if the call cannot be
Call Retry to Enable.
Enable ASCII alarms
Configuration → Alarm