Setting Up
April 1998
Adding System Identity Information
Use the Device Name screen to identify this system, and to change or display the
general name, location, and contact for the system.
" Procedure
1. Follow this menu selection sequence:
Main Menu
Device Name
2. Use the Tab key to move the cursor to the field where you want to add or
change information.
To clear existing information, place the cursor in the Clear field and press
If the selection is . . .
Enter the . . .
Device Name Unique name for device identification of up to
20 characters.
System Name SNMP system name; can be up to 255 characters.
System Location Your system’s physical location; can be up to
255 characters.
System Contact Name and how to contact the person responsible for this
system; can be up to 255 characters.
3. To save changes, select Save and press Return.
When Save is complete, Command Complete appears in the message area
at the bottom of the screen.