February 2003 vii
Audience This manual is for technicians and engineers who install and put
into service (turn-up) the CPX-1000 Voice Services Platform or who
perform routine diagnostic testing, troubleshooting, and repair of
the equipment.
Organization The CPX-1000 Voice Service Platform Installation and Operation is
organized as follows:
Chapter 1, Voice-over-Broadband Networking, describes
Voice-over-Broadband (VoBB) local access network
architecture and the role of the CPX-1000 Voice Services
Platform in implementing voice over DSL, T1, and wireless
broadband networks.
Chapter 2, CPX-1000 Voice Services Platform Description,
describes the features, components, and specifications of the
Chapter 3, Installing the CPX-1000, provides procedures to
unpack, install, power up, and turn up the CPX-1000.
Chapter 4, Troubleshooting, describes CPX-1000 operational
and hardware problem isolation and correction.
Chapter 5, Repair Procedures, describes how to remove and
replace CPX-1000 modules and components.
Throughout this document, the terms CPX-1000 and
CPX refer to the CPX-1000 Voice Services Platform