February 2003 3-33
1000-A2-GN22-00 3. Installing the CPX-1000
Check Plug-in
After applying power, wait at least five minutes for the CPX to
initialize. Then, check the indicators on the modules to verify that
the modules are powered as described in the sections that follow.
If the indicator states are incorrect on any module, refer to the
Service manual for corrective action.
Step 1 Call Processor (CP) Indicator: Verify that the BFL indicator is
not lit. The CPU, CPCI and PCI and ETH indicators light with
Step 2 Hot Swap Card (HSC) Indicator: Verify that the PWR indicator
is lit to indicate that the CP and HSC cards are powered, and the
ERROR indicator is off.
Step 3 Management Processor (MP) Indicators: Verify that the
PWR indicator is lit, and the Link indicator is lit to show that a
communication link is established with the CP card. The ACT
indicator lights when the module is in use.
Step 4 ATM Module OC-3 Indicators: Verify that the STATUS
indicator blinks to indicate heartbeat is present. (STATUS lights
solid when there is a problem). The Tx and Rx indicators will light
when data transmission and reception occurs.
Step 5 Octal T1 Module: Verify that the green RUN indicator is lit, and
the FAIL indicator is off. Each port indicator light should be off.
They light when carrier fails, or no carrier is present. The blue Hot
Swap indicator should also be off. The Power indicator on the
corresponding transition card should be lit.
Step 6 12-port T1 ECAC Module: Verify that the green RUN indicator
is lit, and the FAIL indicator is off. Each port indicator light should
be off. They light when carrier fails, or no carrier is present. The
blue Hot Swap indicator should also be off. The Power indicator on
the corresponding transition card should be lit.
Step 7 STS-1 Module Indicators: Verify that the STAT and ACT
indicators are lit, and TX and RX light green during data
transmission/reception. The Hot Swap indicator should be out.
Step 8 STS-1 ECAC Module Indicators: Verify that the STAT and ACT
indicators are lit, and TX and RX light green during data
transmission/reception. The Hot Swap indicator should be out.