
2. Installing OpenLane on Solaris
7800-A2-GB32-00 January 2002
Configuring Apache to Use a Different Port
By default, the Apache Web server is installed and configured to use TCP port 80
(unless you changed it at installation time). You can configure the Apache Web
server to use another port after installation, as long as that port is not in use by
another service.
To change the TCP port:
1. From a terminal window, change the directory to /opt/pdn/OpenLane:
cd /opt/pdn/OpenLane
2. To stop OpenLane, type
OLControl stop
and press Enter.
3. Change to the Apache configuration directory:
cd /opt/apache/conf
4. Edit the file httpd.conf using a text editor, such as vi:
vi httpd.conf
5. Find the entry for
Change the value from 80 to the new port number.
6. Save the file after making changes.
7. Change to the OpenLane directory:
cd /opt/pdn/OpenLane
8. To start OpenLane, type
OLControl start
and press Enter.