7. OpenLane Maintenance
7800-A2-GB32-00 January 2002
Backing Up OpenLane Under Solaris
To back up files under Solaris:
1. Create a text file (called backup.txt in this example) listing the directories to be
backed up. For example:
2. Verify that you have sufficient space in the backup directory (called
/backup_dir in this example) to accommodate a copy of the files.
3. From a command prompt, execute the tar (tape archive) command:
tar cvf /backup_dir/backup.tar -l backup.txt
4. From a command prompt, execute the gzip command:
gzip /backup_dir/backup.tar
The file
contains a compressed copy of the OpenLane directories.
Restoring OpenLane Under Solaris
To restore OpenLane under Solaris:
1. Reinstall OpenLane.
2. Execute the commands:
gzip -d /backup_dir/backup.tar.gz
tar xvf backup.tar