Customizing the SNMP DSU
November 1997
Accessing and Displaying Configuration Options
To display the configuration options, you must first copy one configuration option
set into the edit area.
" Procedure
1. To load a configuration option set into the configuration edit area, follow this
menu selection sequence:
Main Menu
Load Configuration From
2. Select one of the four configuration option areas listed. Press Return. The
selected configuration option set is loaded and the Configuration Edit/Display
menu screen appears.
No configuration edits are allowed when the effective access level is 2 or 3.
Configuration is read-only and allows viewing only of configuration option
settings. If the effective access level is not an access level of 1:
— The last line of the Load Configuration From screen reads:
Access Level is
, Configuration is read-only
— The S
ave prompt will not appear on any screens.
Refer to
, Chapter 4.
Saving Configuration Options
When changes are made to the configuration options, the changes must be
saved to take effect. The S
ave key and Save Configuration To screen appear
when the user has an effective access level of 1. All other effective access levels
have read-only permission.
To save configuration options changes:
" Procedure
1. Press Ctrl-a to switch to the screen function key area below the dotted line.
2. Select S
ave and press Return. The Save Configuration To screen appears.
3. Select one of the three configuration option areas on the screen and press
Return. When Save is complete, Command Complete appears in the
message area at the bottom of the screen.
When Exit is selected before Save, a Save Configuration screen appears
requiring a Yes or No response.
If you select . . .
Then . . .
Yes The Save Configuration To screen appears.
No The Main Menu appears and changes are not saved.