Messages and Troubleshooting
November 1997
Configuring SNMP Traps
An SNMP trap can be automatically sent out the IMC or the Management port to
the SNMP manager when the DSU detects conditions set by the user. These
traps enable the SNMP manager to gauge the state of the network. Refer to
Standards Compliance for SNMP Traps,
Appendix D, for details of SNMP traps
supported by the DSU.
To configure the DSU for SNMP traps, use the SNMP Traps Options screen to:
H Enable SNMP traps.
H Set the number of SNMP managers that receive SNMP traps from the DSU.
H Enter an IP address and network destination for each SNMP manager
H Select the type of SNMP traps to be sent from the DSU.
To configure SNMP Traps, follow this menu selection sequence:
Main Menu
Load Configuration From
SNMP & Communication
SNMP Traps
Refer to SNMP Traps Options, Table A-12.
Dialing Out SNMP Traps
Configure the SNMP traps before performing this procedure.
" Procedure
1. Configure the phone directories to use when dialing out SNMP traps through
the Management port and a connected external device. Refer to the
section in Chapter 3.
2. Use the Alarms & Traps Options to enable the DSU’s automatic call initiation
to a remote device with Alarm & Trap Dial-Out, Call Retry, and Alternate
Dial-Out Directory. Follow this menu selection sequence:
Main Menu
Load Configuration From
Alarms & Traps
Refer to Alarms & Traps Options, Table A-8.