Registration move
Syntax aREGon/off(edge,profile_number,hold_off_distance,registration
Description The REG command, once turned ON, defines a registration move. After a
number of steps, determined by the optional hold off distance, the controller
will begin to search for a valid registration signal.
Once a valid registration mark has been detected the registration move is
performed using the move parameters taken from the previously defined
profile* (profile_number in the command parameters). At the end of the
registration move the user program GOSUBs to the code immediately
following the REG label. If no registration mark is detected, the standard
move profile completes and the user program GOSUBs to the code
immediately following the NOREG label.
* Registration will always occur in the current move direction. If the direction
in the defined profile is different to the current move direction, the direction
information in the defined profile is ignored.
An optional output can be programmed to indicate that a move that has been
armed is ready for registration. This would normally be after the move has
started or after the hold-off distance (if defined). The output chosen must be
within the range of allowable outputs (1 to 3). The default value is no output.
Once registration has been setup, it can be applied (turned ON) using the
simplified form of command:
aREG1 or turned OFF using: aREG0
Immediate or buffered, can be used in labelled block, saved by SV
Parameter Range Units Comments
On/Off 1 or 0 (default) 1 ON, 0 OFF
Edge 1 or 0 (default) 1 rising, 0 falling
Profile number 1 to 8 Must be user defined
Hold off distance 0 to 2147483647 steps default 0
Registration window 0 to 2147483647 steps default 0
Output 0 to 3 Default is no output