Note that the motor cable routing within the equipment cabinet should be kept at least
300mm away from I/O cables carrying control signals.
All motor connections must be made using a high quality braided-screen cable. Cables
using a metallised plastic bandage for an earth screen are unsuitable and in fact provide
very little screening. Care must be taken when terminating the cable screen, the screen
itself is comparatively fragile; bending it round a tight radius can seriously affect the
screening performance. The selected cable must have a temperature rating which is
adequate for the expected operating temperature of the motor case.
Motor Cables
Motor cables may be ordered using the part numbers listed in Table 3-4.
Product code/Part
Length (metres)
STC20-0300 3
STC20-0500 5
STC20-1500 15
Table 3-4. Motor Cables
Motor Phase Contactors
We recommend that motor phase contactors are not used within the motor power cables. As
an alternative, make use of the drive’s power stage ‘enable’ control signal.
Ferrite absorber specifications
The absorbers described in these installation instructions use a low-grade ferrite material
that has high losses at radio frequencies. They therefore act like a high impedance in this
waveband. Produced by Parker Chomerics, the recommended component is suitable for use
with cable having an outside diameter up to 10mm. The specification is as follows:
Chomerics part number H8FE-1115-NC (Parker part number 0313.020)
Outside diameter 17.5mm
Inside diameter 10.7mm
Length 28.5mm
Impedance at 25MHz 80 ohm
Impedance at 100MHz 120ohm
Curie temperature 130°C (the device should not be operated near this temperature)