P/N: 4809650
©2004 Paxton Automotive
All Rights Reserved, Intl. Copr. Secured
11NOV04 v1.0 03DodgeHemi(4809650v1.0)
Section 1
A. Using a suitable container drain the engine
coolant. On the driver’s side of the vehicle
at the lower corner of the radiator locate the
drain petcock using a 16mm open-end
wrench rotate the petcock and drain the
B. Locate the coolant over flow reservoir locat-
ed on the top of the radiator, loosen the hose
clamp securing the large 1" coolant hose and
remove the hose from the reservoir.
Disconnect the smaller coolant hose from
the over flow reservoir that connects to the
radiator. (See Figs. 1-a, 1-b.)
D. Using a pair of needle nose pliers or a spring
hose clamp tool remove the spring clamps
that retain the two heater hoses that are
located on the passenger side of the front
cover. Remove the hoses.
*** NOTE ***
Set the hoses aside in the engine compartment to
be modified in a later step of the installation)
C. Remove the three 10mm headed screws that
retain the reservoir to the top of the radiator
fan shroud and set the reservoir aside to be
reinstalled at a later stage of the installation.
(See Fig. 1-b.)
Fig. 1-a
Fig. 1-b
Fig. 1-c
E. Using a 19mm deep socket or wrench
remove the heater hose barbed fitting at the
front cover. Set the fitting aside to be
installed in a later step of the installation.
F. Locate the hose clamp securing the factory
air ducting attached to the large plastic throt-
tle body enclosure to the air filter cover.
Using a 8mm socket or flat blade screw-
driver loosen the clamp and remove the duct
from the plastic throttle body enclosure.
(See Fig. 1-d.)
10mm BOLTS
Fig. 1-d