Pelco Manual C501M-B (10/97) 5-21 Sequence Assignment Form
The Sequence Assignment Form is used to define spe-
cific scanning sequences to be utilized by the CM8500
system. There are 16 sequences available to the user,
with each sequence capable of having up to 32 steps.
In addition to programming specific cameras into the
sequence, preset positions also can be accessed in the
sequence program by entering the desired preset num-
The user also has the capability to define the amount of
time each camera remains in the operating mode. When
assigning the dwell time, enter the time in seconds.
Assigning a dwell time of zero will cause that specific
location to be bypassed in the scanning sequence.
NUMBER This is the number assigned to the
scanning sequence.
NAME This is a 20-character alphanumeric
name of the scanning pattern. This
name will appear in the sequence se-
lection menu when accessed.
STEP This is the step number of sequence.
There are 32 steps available in each
CAMERA This is the camera that will be ac-
cessed during that step of the se-
PRESET This is the camera preset position, if
DWELL The amount of time (in seconds) that
this step will remain accessed is de-
fined here. Entering zero for any step
will cause the sequence to bypass
those steps.
Always set the dwell time long
enough for presets to reach their des-
tinations. If you don’t, the controller
could become confused when it tries
to perform the next function before
the preset location has been reached.
This could cause the 8500 to stop
Description This section will contain each spe-
cific camera description as entered
when the camera location was ini-
tially defined.