
Pelco Manual C501M-B (10/97) 7-1
1 1 Chassis 96004202COMP
2 2 Support, PCB, Short 96004005COMP
3 1 Vertical Support, Right 96004006COMP
4 1 Vertical Support, Left 96004007COMP
5 1 Support, PCB, Long 96004008COMP
6 2 Bracket Ejector 96004010COMP
7 6 Ejector 96004011COMP
8 1 Panel, Front 96004212COMP
9 1 Cover, Switcher 96004241COMP
10 2 Injector/Ejector Card Cage CM850010040
11 1 Rear Panel Assy CM8500B1215ASSY
12 1 Cover, Line Lock, PCB CM85004234COMP
13 1 Cover, Power Supply CM85004235COMP
14 2 Bracket, Rack Ears CM85004318COMP
15 1 Fan, 120 VAC EH4600115W3
16 4 Slotted PC Board, Guided, Riveted MMPRD8500
17 1 PCB, 16-Switcher Motherboard (CM8503) PCB9000561ASSY
1 PCB Assy, 8-Switcher Motherboard (CM8502) PCB9000571ASSY
18 1 PCB Assy, Switcher CPU Card PCB9000562ASSY
19 1 Assy, Video Switcher Card PCB9000563ASSY
20 1 PCB Assy, Switcher Power Supply Line Lock PCB9000587ASSY
21 1 PCB Assy, Coaxitron
Buffer Card PCB9000567ASSY
22 1 Power Supply, +15V, +12V, -12V, 70 Watts PWRUS70-391
23 1 Label, Front Panel LBLCM850010000
24 9 Grommet Edging (in feet) CM850010020
25 1 Egding, Beryllium Copper 850010085
26 2 Bracket Support, Chassis 96004404COMP
A 8 Washer, Flat ZH125X312X32S
B 4 Screw, 2-56 x 1/4" Pan Phil SS ZH2-56X.250SPP
C 13 Screw, 4-40 x .375 Pan Phil BLK ZH4-40X.375BPP
D 4 Screw, 4-40 x 3/4" Pan Phil ZH4-40X.750SPP
E 14 Nut, 4-40 Hex ZH4-40NUTSH
F 6 Button Bumper, Neoprene ZH4065
G 34 Washer, Lock #4, Internal Tooth ZH4LWSIS
H 6 Screw, 6-32 x 1/4" Pan Phil SS ZH6-32X.250SPP
I 16 Screw, 6-32 x 5/16" Pan Phil, Gray ZH6-32X.312GRAY
J 10 Screw, 6-32 x 1/2" Pan Phil SS ZH6-32X.500SPP
K 4 Nut, Hex 6-32 ZH6-32NUTSH
L 4 Washer, Lock #6 Internal Tooth ZH6LWSIS
M 12 Rivet, #AD418S ZHRIVET1/8CSK
N 6 Pop-Rivet, Removable, SR3055 ZHSR3055
O 4 Spacer, LED SPA905-300
P 20 Screw, 4-40 x .187" Pan Phil ZH4-40X.187SPP
The following is the itemized parts listing for the
CM8502/CM8503 Card Cage. Refer to the following
drawing for the parts location.