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The live video pages show a real-time picture of a camera view with update rates and image quality similar to a box-to-box configuration. It can
be configured for bandwidth use and for various image quality settings. (Live video is accessible only through a NET350 transmitter and not
through a NET350 receiver.) The Server Push pages show still pictures that are updated periodically, and image quality is fixed.
The five indicators in Table C are located at the top of the live video and live video control pages.
Figure 40. Live Video and Server Push Video Pages
1. To access the PelcoNet NET350 transmission system home page, you must first connect to the Internet/intranet network and open Internet
Explorer (the browser).
2. Then, enter the default address ( for transmitters or for receivers) in the address box. If this address has been changed,
enter the application address. The home page appears.
3. Click either Video 1 or Video 2 or Server Push on the home page.
To exit any page, click an option at the top of the page.
The program displays dialog boxes when you try to view live video under any of the following conditions:
• With a browser other than Internet Explorer
• Without first installing ActiveX
Table C. Live Video Page Indicators
Indicator Description
MPEG-4 Indicates that live viewing is in MPEG-4 format.
M (motion detector) When motion alarm is triggered, this indicator turns red while the alarm is activated.
V (video alarm) When the video loss alarm is triggered, this indicator turns red until the video returns.
I (input activation) When triggered, this indicator turns red. The name assigned to this trigger and its duration and how it reacts can be
assigned on the Alarm page.
R (relay activation) When triggered, this indicator turns red. The name assigned to this trigger and how it reacts can be assigned on the
Relay page.