8 C2907M-D (4/05)
What Is the PelcoNet NET350 Transmission System?
The PelcoNet
NET350 transmission system is technology that lets you view video in real time across a LAN (local area network) and even
WANs (wide area networks). This technology is based on the TCP/IP protocol suite and Ethernet technology, providing compatibility with today’s
networking standards.
The following devices can be controlled from your computer through Internet Explorer with the PelcoNet NET350 transmission system: Spectra
, Genex
multiplexer, CM9700 systems (older CM9760s require CM9760 data translator), CM6700 (through integrated ASCII port, COM 2),
and the CM6800 matrix.
(Refer to
section for definitions of terms used in this manual.)
•A LAN consists of multiple computers connected together, sharing information. This information could be files, e-mail, printers, orwith the
PelcoNet NET350 transmission systemeven live video and audio.
•A WAN consists of multiple LANs connected through routers and gateways (for example, the Internet).
• In any network environment, each device needs a unique address so other computers on the network know how to reach it.
It is similar to a city with street addresses. For the post office to deliver mail to your house, you need a unique street address for the mail
carrier to find you. A network is like a city. Like a street address, the IP address on your computer is your address on the network. The IP
address is how other computers can find you on the network.
Remember that the
IP address must be unique on the network.
• When there are multiple networks and you are using the TCP/IP protocol, there must be a way to communicate between the two networks.
A physical device called a router is required. The router’s IP address is referred to as the default gateway IP address.
•A cable that connects one computer to another is like a city street you can use to get from one house to another. The cable lets you
communicate with each other on the network. This cable is Category 5 cable with RJ-45 connectors at each end. (It looks like a phone
cord, only slightly larger.)
Unless you are very familiar with how computers work, consult your network administrator for help.
Installation is a matter of configuring an IP address using a standard terminal program or Internet Explorer and connecting the PelcoNet NET350
transmission system to the Ethernet network. You should have the following background and experience to configure and install these units:
•Working knowledge of basic network management concepts and terminology
•Working knowledge of tools and procedures for installing and operating sensitive electronic equipment