Pelican Water Systems
877-842-1635, www.pelicanwater.com
System Ac va on and Flushing
System Ac va on and Inspec on
1. Check all tubing connec ons to ensure they are fi rmly seated. CHECK TO SEE THAT THE CARTRIDGE RETAINER CLIP IS
PROPERLY ENGAGED AND LOCKED. Failure to keep the retaining clip in place will result in accidental leaks and fl ooding.
2. Open the dispensing faucet at the sink. Close the tank shut-off valve. Make sure the feed valve for the incoming water
is open. Open the small feed shut-off valve on the green feed line.
3. Observe all tubing and connec ons for several minutes to detect any leaks. In approximately 5 minutes, (assuming
normal feed water pressure) the dispensing faucet should begin dripping.
4. Allow the faucet to run for up to 15 minutes, then close the faucet.
5. Check for leaks at all connec ons.
6. Open the tank shut-off valve.
Ini al Flushing Procedure
1. Before the system can be used for drinking water produc on it must be adequately fl ushed. Each reservoir tank is
dosed with a small amount of powdered sani zer before shipment, typically a chlorina ng agent, in order to ensure tank
internal cleanliness. Also, the carbon fi lter cartridge will release a small amount of carbon fi nes during the fi rst tankful of
fl ow. This fl ushing procedure will allow any sani zer or carbon fi nes to pass from the system.
2. Ini al tank fi lling will take approximately one hour (based on average feed pressure). When the tank is full, the water
pressure will have risen to the point where the automa c shut-off valve inside the system will stop the feed fl ow through
the system. Actua on of the automa c shut-off valve can be determined by either checking for a lack of brine fl ow to the
drain saddle, or by listening very closely near the dispensing faucet for absence of water fl ow sound though the air gap.
When the tank has fi lled for the fi rst me, it should be le undisturbed for at least 8 hours to ensure proper sani za on.
3. A er 8 hours has elapsed, open the dispensing faucet fully and allow the product water to run out to drain at maximum
fl ow. The ini al discharge will be dark with the bulk of the carbon par cle wash out. There may also be the scent of chlo-
rinated water from the sani zing agent. When the fl ow has diminished to a fast drip or small stream, close the dispensing
4. Fill and fl ush the tank at least three mes prior to use. If necessary, repeat un l the chlorina on scent has disappeared.
It is important that the fl ush be done at maximum fl ow (e.g. the tank must be full) to assist in rapid wash out. A er this
fl ushing procedure the system is ready for normal use.