Pelican Water Systems
877-842-1635, www.pelicanwater.com
Performance Data Sheet
System Performance
This system has been tested according to NSF/ANSI 58 for reduc on of the substances listed below. The concentra on of
the indicated substances in water leaving the system was reduced to a concentra on less than or equal to the permissible
limit for water leaving the system, as specifi ed in NSF/ANSI 58. Do not use with water that is microbiologically unsafe or of
unknown quality without adequate disinfec on before or a er the system. Systems cer fi ed for cyst reduc on may be used
on disinfected water that may contain fi lterable cysts.
This system has been tested for the treatment of water containing pentavalent arsenic (also known as AS(V), As
, or
arsenate) at concentra ons of 50 ppb or less. This system reduces pentavalent arsenic, but may not reduce other forms of
arsenic. This system is to be used on water supplies containing a detectable free chlorine residual at the system outlet or
on water supplies that have been demonstrated to contain only pentavalent arsenic. Treatment with chloramine (combined
chlorine) is not suffi cient to ensure complete conversion of trivalent arsenic to pentavalent arsenic. Please see the Arsenic
Facts sec on of the Performance Data Sheet for further informa on.
Tes ng was performed under standard laboratory condi ons, actual performance may vary. Incoming water must be free of
poten al membrane foulants such as Iron, Hydrogen Sulfi de and Manganese. Effi ciency ra ng means the percentage of the
infl uent water to the system that is available to the user as reverse osmosis treated water under opera ng condi ons that
approximate typical daily usage. Recovery ra ng means the percentage of the infl uent water that is available to the user as
reverse osmosis treated water when the system is operated without a storage tank or when the storage tank is bypassed.
Model Number: PRO-RO Produc on Rate: 55.30 L/d (14.61 gpd)
Recovery: 26.76% Effi ciency: 15.82%
Temperature: 4°C - 38°C (40°F - 100°F) Pressure: 275kPa - 552kPa (40-80 psi)
Infl uent Challenge
Concentra on
Maximum Allowable
Concentra on
Average Percent
Reduc on
Arsenic (pentavalent) 50 ppb 10 ppb 97.8
Cysts Minimum 50,000/mL 110 #/mL >99.99
Fluoride 8.0 mL ± 10% 1.5 mL 96.3
Lead 0.15 mL ± 25% 0.010 mL 98.0
TDS (Total Dissolved Solids) 740 187 mL 96.5
System Maintenance
This reverse osmosis system contains a replaceable component cri cal to the effi ciency of the system. Replacement of the
reverse osmosis component should be with one of iden cal specifi ca ons, as defi ned by the manufacturer, to ensure the
same effi ciency and contaminant reduc on performance.