9. After installation, you can run the application software under [Start] /[All Programs]/
[PENPOWER WorldCard] / [WorldCard].
10. System will ask you to register for warranty at your rst run. Please press Register now
to start registration or press Register later to skip this procedure. You can register later
on from [Help]/[Register]. If you want to choose Register later and do not need to be
reminded again, you can check Don’t show this page at startup.
Windows 2000
After connecting your device, the Digital
Signature Not Found dialog box displays
on your computer. Click Yes to complete
the hardware installation of the card scan-
2.2.2 Connecting Hardware
After installing the software, connect the USB connection of your WorldCard scanner or
business card camera to the USB port of your computer.
Note: Some computers may shut down accidentally after connection. This is due to lack of
power to support several USB devices. To avoid this problem, connect your World-
Card scanner/business card camera and other USB devices to an extra-powered
USB hub.