
Chapter 6 Scan Manager
Chapter 6 Scan Manager
WordCard integrates with Microsoft Outlook, Microsoft Outlook Express, Windows
Contacts (Vista) and ACT!. You can scan business cards and save veried contacts into the
above programs directly. You can view the original scanned business card image in Micro-
soft Outlook and ACT! as well.
6.1 Scanning Contacts
After installation, you’ll see the Scan Manager icon at the lower right corner on your
taskbar. Click it and select the desired software: Microsoft Outlook, Outlook Express, Win-
dows Contacts or ACT!. Whenever you click the software, WorldCard opens the scan wizard
of the indicated program.
Note: Microsoft Windows Vista version
supports scanning contacts into
Microsoft Outlook and Windows
Note: If your computer has installed ACT!, after installing WorldCard, you will see the
button in ACT!, you may also nd WorldCard/ACT! under the Tool menu. Click
the button or WorldCard/ACT! from the Tool menu to start the Scan Wizard.