Chapter 3 Using the Chinese Expert
3.4.2 Basic Chinese Learning Functions in the Sentence Segmentation Pane
Tip-Show Translation and Note
In the Penpower Chinese Expert Sen-
tence Segmentation pane, you can hover
the cursor on any word or term to see the
English translation and a few notes pertain-
ing to the selected word or term.
Lookup Online
To look up the online translation of any word or term, hover the cursor on the word or
term, and right-click and then click Search on web to connect directly to the YAHOO Dic-
tionary web page.
Note: If the word being translated is in Traditional Chinese, for example
, you will be
linked to the Yahoo! Taiwan Dictionary website. If the word is in Simplied Chi-
nese, for example
, you will be linked to the Yahoo! China Dictionary website.
If the words are written exactly the same in Traditional or Simplied Chinese, for
, the PCE will link to the Yahoo! China Dictionary website.