Chinese Expert
1.2 Version Introduction
1.2.1 Writing Pad Version
With the writing pad, you can write or modify any Chinese text easily and use Penpower
Chinese Expert for listening comprehension, reading, speaking, writing, and translation.
For East Asian languages, handwriting is the most natural way to enter characters into a
computer. If you do not know any keyboard-based input methods, such as hanyu pinyin,
or zhuyin, then inputting by handwriting is denitely for you. Please refer to Chapter 5
Writing Pad Version.
1.2.2 Pen Scanner Version
By integrating WorldPenScan(pen scanner), you can fast scan any document into Penpow-
er Chinese Expert and utilize all the listening, reading, speaking, writing, and translation
features this software has to offer.
The included WorldPenScan can scan and recognize Traditional Chinese, Simplied
Chinese and English into your computer via the USB interface. Effortlessly scan in with
the transparent scan tip. Whatever you see, you can scan. Please refer to Chapter 6 Pen
Scanner Version.
1.2.3 Standard Version
Penpower Chinese Expert Standard Version is a complete Chinese learning tool. You
can utilize all the listening, reading, speaking, writing, and translation features and learn
Chinese fast and easy. It also provides online and ofine activation. Let you learn Chinese
anytime and anywhere.
Penpower Chinese Expert Standard Version is pure software. You can buy it in our online
store or download the software and buy the “Product ID” to nish activation procedure.