You can configure WINS servers for PPP-client name resolution and DNS servers for PPP-client
name resolution and IOLAN host name resolution (for example, when specifying
Bootup file).
You can configure up to four DNS and four WINS servers. If you specified a DNS and/or WINS
server on the
Network, IP Settings tabs (either IPv4 or IPv6), it will be automatically entered into the
appropriate list. If the DNS and/or WINS server is provided by a DHCP server, these will NOT be
viewable in the list, however, you can add DNS and/or WINS servers to supplement the DHCP
supplied server.
Field Descriptions
The following buttons are available on this window:
Interface The Interface list is comprised of configured IPv6 tunnels and serial ports
defined for Remote Access (PPP) and Remote Access (SLIP) profiles. Select
this option when you want to use the specified interface as the gateway to the
Field Option(s): IPv6 tunnels, Remote Access (PPP) and Remote Access
(SLIP) serial ports
Default: Disabled
Add DNS Button Adds a DNS server.
Edit DNS Button Edits an existing DNS server.
Delete DNS Button Deletes a DNS server.
Add WINS Button Adds a WINS server.
Edit WINS Button Edits an existing WINS server.
Delete WINS
Deletes a WINS server.